
dear ladies, gentlemen, great white sharks, etc,
it seems that poota and i have stopped talking. no more are the gmilys when we wake up and gnily when we go to sleep. im not sure why it has happened, just that it has. I tried to talk to her on her birthday, but no anwser and no call backs either. im guessing that she needs space. or shes mad at me. or none of those reasons and something completely different. what i do know is that we arent talking anymore therefore we arent posting. so i have to apologize. i do hope you enjoyed the time you spent with us. i'll still keep the blog going and feel free to check back to see if anything has changed but as of right now it seems we've hit a rough patch. so no more posts until things are resolved. thanks for sticking it out this long.

tata for now. hopefully.


Happpppppy Birtttthhhhhhday Poota

That's right. It's pootas bday! Not sure what her plans are or if she's having amazing bday sex or what but i hope to gawd she is and will call me moments after to tell me all about it.

What do you wish for poota?
all 3 of you who read this... that is.

I like this picture.