



Boyz 2 Men

while riding home the other day i was listening to the slow jam station (it was sunday, what else do you listen to on a sunday?). the request line was open. they seemed to have an overwhelming number of people calling in for the song, "i'll make luv to you" by the smokin hawt fellas of boyz 2 men. now. while i think that this song is amazing, it's literally exonerating via the sultry voices of nathan, michael, shawn, and wayna, that they take their time with their ladies, doing what they want, how they want, when they want, etc... but what got to me was the messages left of the request lines answering machine: doodes saying "gurl, i just wanna say, i luv you, i's so happy to be with you." or " hey this is jim from san antonio and i wanna dedicate boyz 2 men... to my wife. honey i am so happy to be with you for our short 25 years as a married couple."

not one of the overwhelming numbers of callers, who were mostly men, said "hey. we make great partners, we raised/are raising responsible kids, we love, respect, and inspire each other and im just so glad i wake up next to you everyday. and that's why im dedicating this song to you."

nah. the doodes out there are saying " yo. wifey. ill fuck you right. lets stay together longer so that you can, in turn, aspire to fuck me just as well."

i know, i know. youre saying "bookcase. why are you writing so much, poota is going to get nervous at its length?" but i feel like this issue needs to be discussed.

am i wrong?


dear america,

I would like to personally thank Lady Gaga for providing the trannies of the world some new and quality material to perform. No longer do I have to sit thru ANOTHER trashy drag rendetion of Christina Aguilara's "genie in a bottle". It's all poker face and alexander mcqueen. Anyways. Thanks GAGA.



guess what?!




I feel like I have a big ole fat fart waiting to pop outta my butthole, but it stux up in thurr. Wanna know what it is? THIS UPCOMING WEEEK! So exams are done on wednesday when e Bookcase and Pimpadocious arrive in Safannie, and I don't have to work friday so we can really vag vomit all over the town AND THEN they leave (waaaah) and I go to work on saturday and THEN GO HOME TO GAYSON TO CUDDLE WITH MY LITTLE SISTER AND WATCH THE DOGS PLAY. omfgawd, can I hear a best week ever? boogaboogabooga I'm stoked. Can you believe that it has been 6 months since Bookcase and I have made sweet, sweet love? WELL IT HAS BEEN. God I am fuckin stoked. STOKED. STOKED. STOKED. I am also excited to meet Pimpa, I think that as long as s/he accepts and respects the fact that I am Bookcase's one true love then s/he and I will get along famously. I love you and you and you and you. And I want to have lesbian sex. Thank you and GOODBYE.